Conrad & Alice, The anti-racism murder – The anti-migrant murder

Conrad & Alice 9 and 10
Episode 10 : The anti-migrant murder
Episode 9 : The anti-racism murder

(April, 2021)

Here are the ninth and tenth episodes concerning criminal investigations in Paris by Alice, a twenty six year old French psychologist, and Conrad, a South African pensioner in his late sixties.
- In the ninth episode, Alice introduces Conrad to one of her patients, Ranjit, who is a South African Indian in Paris and very upset by the murder of a black South African in Paris. The murder case has to do with the insulting K-word the use of which is punishable by law in South Africa. The K-word is considered to promote racism against black skinned people in South Africa and elsewhere in the world. Sometimes drastic measures are necessary to fight serious problems like racism. Once again, our two investigators find themselves involved in a murder riddle and end up by helping the police solve the case.
- In the tenth episode, Alice invites Conrad to meet one of her patients, Beth, who is a South African woman living in Paris, and who is most concerned about her French boyfriend who is a humanitarian activist helping migrants from North Africa coming to Western Europe. He is in prison because the police suspect him of having murdered a South African journalist. The two men were known to have had a violent disagreement over the migrant issue. Once again our two investigators find themselves involved in a murder riddle and end up by helping the police solve the case.

«Conrad & Alice, The anti-racism murder / The anti-migrant murder»
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.3 x 8.9 inches
Paperback: 114 pages - Language: English

The Series "Conrad and Alice, crime investigators"